Deep thoughts of a lonely paddler
It is day eight and so far i covered cca 400 km which was great fun and lots of hard work but i love every moment of it perhaps exluding the sore arse moments but Benny Hill style actually sorted that. I am really enjoing the scenery even if farther of shore than I would like to be. But that is a curse of a circumnavigator, the objective is different than going for a weekend explore paddle. I am passing caves and arches and think hell i would like to explore that but it is not gonna be now. I am sure of one thing I am gonna come back with my amazing woman and few friends and we are gonna poke to every cave and cove and explore really small coastline very intimately.
I said to Barbora that am gonna do this as a scouting trip for our holiday 😎
Anyway as I am alone on the sea I got plenty of time to think and I can see the transition of my thinking I am coming back to the caveman mode and enjoy the simple things in life. The last 4 days were just about paddling and there is not much to write about that.
So I will write about some simple joys of last few days simple irrelevant things but Ihope that those who paddle wil understand.
I have seen a minke whale the first time in my life and the first instinct was to grab a camera and take a picture and half way through i stopped and said to myself no I am actually just gonna enjoy the moment and I am glad I did that. Whale surfaced just twice and I’ve actually seen that. If i reached for the camera I would have missed that.
Other super feel moment is getting your boat gliding through the water at 15 km/h absolutely superb feeling to harnes the power of the sea multiplied by 100 when u realised that the boat is designed and entirely built by you. 6 years of really hard work compressed into the one ride where everything is just perfect.
Another highlight was realising I have fresh eggs in the kayak so I am gonna have top notch dinner. Simle things matter.
Crossing from Seven heads to Galey head pure down wind junkie ride in superb conditions 19 km of surfing picking runs and gliding in ridiculous speeds for a seakayak I made the crossing in just over 2 hours and finished the run with view of amazing lighthouse being beaten by atlantic swell.
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